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Natural scents

...And how they make the world a better place, by Dr Mariano Spiezia
Flowers Pink Picture from MyGreenPod Sustainable News

The fresh scent of cut grass, the smell of a field full of wild flowers on a summer’s day or the aroma of morning coffee. All these smells, along with thousands of others, are instantly recognisable.

Go organic – and laugh more! By Dr Mariano Spiezia

Smell and emotion

Smell is all around us and, more than any other sense, has the ability to trigger emotion. When your olfactory receptors are stimulated, they transmit impulses to your brain.

This pathway is directly connected to your limbic system, the part of your brain that deals with emotions. That’s why your reactions to smell are rarely neutral – you usually either like or dislike a smell.

Smell is also a direct route to our memories and can conjure up waves of feelings and emotion in an instant. This is part of the reason we all want to smell good. We know that our scent will influence the world around us and that a bad smell can very quickly have a negative impact on us.

Natural vs artificial scents

Smelling good is important but it’s easy to fall into the trap of covering ourselves in artificial scents. Whether it’s a deodorant, perfume or aftershave, chemical smells will harm our balance, wellbeing and energy.

I could tell you how many studies have been carried out showing the danger of chemical fragrances (in commercial deodorants, perfumes, home fragrances) both on babies and mums or generally on people increasing the risk of allergies and contributing to the world’s pollution, but I think choices should be made for love and not for fear.

Personally I recognise immediately a fake scent passing close to someone wearing an antiperspirant or a deodorant for ‘macho men’ and I don’t feel well. Maybe because in our small delightful lab, immersed in the beautiful landscape of Cornwall’s countryside, we use only natural and, more than natural, organic essential oils.

‘A waterfall of memories’

One small molecule of unnatural fragrance seems to be nothing in the atmosphere, but if there are billions around us sprayed by millions of people, the picture changes drastically.

It is time to think about our decision and be more conscious about the impact on the planet that our decision will produce – without forgetting our personal health.

That’s why I use only 100% organic essential oils chosen for their individual scents and action on the skin, combined synergistically to maximise their quality.

The oils, as well as containing excellent healing properties, imbue the skin with memories of uncontaminated meadows, directing our senses to the beauty of a natural smell.

The soul of flowers

According with the old herbal alchemic tradition, natural, organic fragrances keep the ‘soul’ of the flowers, manifesting their subtle energy. It’s this energy that triggers our emotions and a waterfall of memories through the power of smell.

This applies also in the relationship between mother and baby, man and woman, male and female animals. It is much better to create new emotions and memories with a pure perfume rather than with a fake one.

Eau de Philae

We believe in the enveloping beauty of natural smells. That’s why we’ve chosen a special Eau de Toilette, called Eau de Philae, made according with an ancient formula found on the isle of Philae in Egypt, and produced by our sister company Cemon Srl.

This vibrant product, fresh and light full of citrusy notes, contains natural fragrances and botanical extracts to blend different parts of the plant world in a unique way. The result is an uplifting scent that gives a hope for the future.

A joyful world

When people come in our reception room, close to our production area, to visit us or to deliver a parcel, the first sentence they say is: ‘Oh my God, what incredible smell!’ I don’t think they would say the same with a fake, unnatural smell.

Yes, natural oils and scents are expensive but the price pays for a joyful, better, scented world. And that’s the kind of world we would like to see.

Click here to find out more about Inlight organic, the range of products formulated by Dr Mariano Spiezia.

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