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PEA Awards 2014

We’re very excited to announce the third annual PEA (People & Environment Achievement) Awards, the green carpet event that recognises and celebrates individuals who are making a difference in the world of sustainability.

From artists and film-makers to businessmen and entrepreneurs, nominate your green heroes and let us know how they’ve inspired you. Nominations will be open from 13 August to 17 October 2014.

Winners from the following categories will be selected by a panel of judges.

Nominations will be open from August 13th until October 17th. The cost for entry or nomination is £25 per category. Each entrant or nominee will receive an invitation to the awards ceremony.

To enter or nominate your PEA heroes, got to the PEA Awards website.

PEA Awards 2014 – Award Categories

Arts, Fashion & Music

Arts, Fashion & Music

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This award honours individuals who have used any artistic medium to raise awareness of environmental issues. It is also for those who have adopted sustainable or ethical practices in producing their art.

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Best Earth-Saving Idea

Best Earth-Saving Idea

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We live in a world where pesticides are destroying ecosystems, rivers and seas are awash with toxic chemicals and landfills are piled high with non-biodegradable waste. This award honours those whose products and initiatives are putting the health of the planet first.

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Best Energy-Saving Idea

Best Energy-Saving Idea

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This category rewards the individual who has come up with the best carbon-saving idea, regardless of whether this idea has already been put into practice or is still in the pipeline.

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Best Environmental Film/Documentary

Best Environmental Film/Documentary

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Whether it tackles serious environmental issues, showcases emerging talent or takes a creative approach to sustainable film-making, this category rewards the finest eco-focused documentary or film of the past year.

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Business Person of the Year

Business Person of the Year

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This category rewards the steps taken by individuals in the business world to deliver goods or services in a sustainability-orientated way, demonstrating that financial profit can go hand-in-hand with respect for people and the planet.

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Campaigner of the Year

Campaigner of the Year

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This award recognises a campaigner who has made a serious impact in putting green issues on the national or international agenda.

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Community Award

Community Award

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Encompassing everything from allotment societies to clothes swapping events and lending schemes, this category recognises the active promotion of more sustainable community activities.

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Entrepreneur of the Year

Entrepreneur of the Year

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This category honours an individual who has come up with the best new enterprise, venture or business idea that is based around greener thinking.

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Public Sector Award

Public Sector Award

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This award is for an individual from a local or national public sector organisation whose work has helped advance more sustainable living.

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Responsible Travel

Responsible Travel

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This category rewards the promotion of green travel in all its forms, from starting a green travel business to going the extra mile to make personal travel more sustainable.

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There are few more important jobs today for parents, mentors and teachers than equipping children for a more environmentally responsible future. This award recognises individuals and organisations doing genuinely great work in this area.

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PEA Champion Award

PEA Champion Award

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This will be the individual who, in the opinion of the judging panel, has come top overall. The winner may have been shortlisted in more than one category or gained a particularly high score in a single category.

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