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Scotland’s hydro-generation

The world’s first hydrogen doubledeckers have taken to their routes in Aberdeen
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
The world’s first hydrogen doubledecker buses

The world’s first fleet of doubledecker hydrogen buses has officially been launched into service in Aberdeen.

Run by First Bus and built by UK firm Wrightbus in a project led by Aberdeen City Council, the hydrogen buses reveal how far innovation in the transport industry has come.

10-minute refuel

The buses take less than 10 minutes to fully refuel. The zero-emission fleet emits nothing more than water from the exhaust as the fuel is made from just wind and water.

Plans are in place for Aberdeen to make its own hydrogen to power the buses, which would make it an even greener energy source for the local community.
The start of the first of the zero emission buses on their service routes underlines Aberdeen’s commitment to transitioning to green energy from oil and gas as part of the city’s Net Zero Vision.

‘It’s great to see the world’s first hydrogen double decker buses starting on their service routes in Aberdeen.

‘The buses are a fantastic asset to the city as an entrepreneurial and technological leader as they have even more advanced technology which pushes established hydrogen boundaries and also greatly assist us in tackling air pollution in the city.’

Aberdeen City Council co-leader

Quieter, healthier streets

The new 60-seat doubledeckers are set to transform the air of the granite city as they save one kilogram of CO2 with each kilometre they drive.

The buses will also tackle more than just air pollution, as they are virtually silent when they run, helping to create quieter, calmer streets.
Prototype hydrogen buses have been designed and used previously, as the transport industry explores how it can make use of universe’s most abundant element. But these double deckers are the first of their kind to go into operation and welcome customers on board.

‘Today marks a significant milestone in our industry and the way that people choose to travel. Scotland will be home to COP26 later this year and it is fantastic to know that we’ll be setting a stellar example of just what can be achieved with new technology as we welcome leaders from around the world.
‘First Bus serves thousands of customers in Aberdeen and we know that so many of our customers take the bus because they care about our planet and reducing their carbon footprint. We’re excited to now be able to offer them an even greener and quieter way of getting about the city.’

Managing director at First Bus

Cities adopting hydrogen

The vehicles will be operated mainly on the Service 19 (Peterculter to Tillydrone) along with other routes.

The project is part-funded by the European Union’s JIVE project, which aims to aid commercialisation of hydrogen buses through joint procurement between cities.

Cities that will follow Aberdeen’s footsteps include London and Birmingham, with Dundee and Brighton and Hove being lead partners in JIVE2.

‘Everyone at Wrightbus is incredibly proud to see the world’s-first hydrogen double decker bus fleet in full service and carrying passengers around the streets of Aberdeen. It marks a pivotal moment in the city’s commitment to reaching net zero.

‘We will see further Wrightbus hydrogen buses in locations across the UK, with fleets due to launch in Birmingham and London later this year. It’s vital that other towns and cities sit up and take note of their example. 

‘Hydrogen has an important part to play in the decarbonisation of transport and the reduction in CO2 levels that we need to reach to ensure a net zero future.’

Wrightbus chairman

The new £8.3million project has been funded by Aberdeen City Council, the Scottish Government and the European Union (FCH JU), with an investment of about £500,000 per vehicle.

The UK’s first hydrogen production and bus refuelling station was opened in Aberdeen in 2015 as part of a £19m green transport demonstration project.

The Aberdeen City Council-led project tested the economic and environmental benefits of hydrogen transport technologies and aims to drive the development of hydrogen technologies.

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