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Sustainable supermarket food

Tesco and WWF have joined forces to cut the environmental impact of the average shopping basket by 50%
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Sustainable supermarket food

A new partnership between WWF and Tesco should make it easier for shoppers to buy affordable, healthy and sustainable food.

The aim of the long-term partnership is to reduce the environmental impact of the average UK shopping basket by 50%, and improve the sustainability of food while ensuring it remains affordable for all.

Customer demand

Food production is at the centre of key environmental issues, including climate change and biodiversity loss, as was clearly set out in WWF’s recent Living Planet Report 2018.

Consumers are also demanding more: joint research from Tesco and WWF reveals that 80% of shoppers want supermarkets to do more to offer food that is sourced in a responsible, sustainable way.

However, the new research also shows there are obstacles deterring shoppers, with 59% confused about which foods count as ‘sustainable’ and 75% thinking cost is a barrier.

Tesco and WWF will work together to help customers eat more sustainable diets, restore Nature in food production and eliminate food and packaging waste from the sector.

‘Our flagship Living Planet Report 2018 recently revealed that the world is under threat like never before – we’re destroying forests, choking the oceans with plastic, decimating wildlife and causing devastating changes to our climate. And it’s the demand for food that poses one of the biggest dangers to our planet. It’s the leading cause of deforestation, destroying countless habitats and threatening wildlife to the point of extinction.

‘We have the power to not only stop, but to reverse the damage, if we act now. That is why we are delighted to be partnering with Tesco, to help create a food system that doesn’t cost the Earth.’


Dave Lewis, Tesco Group CEO, said the partnership with WWF will help make customers’ shopping baskets more sustainable, adding that the shared ambition is ‘to reduce the environmental impact of the average shopping basket by half.’

‘By working with farmers, suppliers, colleagues and other experts we hope to develop innovative solutions so shoppers can put affordable, tasty food on their plates today, confident they are not compromising the future of food for generations to come’, Dave said.

Click here to find out more about Tesco’s closed loop vision

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