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The Big Help Out

Over 1,500 charities create hundreds of thousands of volunteering opportunities ahead of Coronation weekend
Diverse, happy group volunteering at a charity project

Hundreds of thousands of volunteering opportunities hosted by over 1,500 charities have been made available via the Big Help Out app. 

The new app went live to mark the 50-day countdown to the Big Help Out on the Bank Holiday Monday of the Coronation (08 May).

‘The Big Help Out will shine a spotlight on the power of volunteering to help our communities. It is a tribute to His Majesty The King’s lifetime of public service and a wonderful way to begin this new age.

‘I encourage everyone to get involved to celebrate the Coronation of Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort.’

Ceremonials Minister

‘A festival of volunteering’

Members of the public are being encouraged to take part in volunteering on the day in their community, or to sign up to future opportunities via the app.

People can search by their postcode, the type of activity they want to do and the organisation they would like to volunteer with.

Hundreds of thousands more activities are expected to be added before the day.

‘Volunteering is central to our national story – from families taking in refugees from Ukraine to volunteers running Scout groups and even just people looking in on a neighbour when times are tough. So it’s brilliant to see The Big Help Out – a festival of volunteering – is an official part of the Coronation celebrations.
‘Today, we’re launching the Big Help Out app – it’s your one stop shop for 100,000s of volunteering opportunities across the country. It’s all in one place, and easy to search to suit you – your interests, organisations you want to support in your local area.’

Volunteer and Scout Ambassador

Unprecedented community action

The Big Help Out is a formal part of the Coronation celebrations; it s supported by the Together Coalition and was devised by Britain’s leading charities – including household names like The Scouts, Royal Voluntary Service, Guide Dogs and thousands of smaller local groups.

Organisers hope for an unprecedented community mobilisation – not only to mark an event of national significance and underscore the central role volunteering plays in our national story, but to inspire a new generation of volunteers.

‘I know a good idea when I see it. And the Big Help Out is one. That’s why everyone is joining in. Charities, businesses and now the public can get involved too. 

‘Volunteers make a huge difference to other people’s lives but it’s easy to forget that volunteering is great for you too. Take a second to download the app and see if there’s a way you can get involved.’

From Dragons’ Den

Click here to get the Big Help Out app.

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