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The Eco Period Box

Postal worker and campaigner Ella Daish is taking Eco Period Action this December
Tackle period poverty with an Eco Period Box

Ella Daish is a postal worker who started the campaign to ‘Make all Menstrual Products Plastic Free’ in February this year, and was shortlisted for a 2018 P.E.A. Award. There has been an overwhelming response to the campaign; the petition has been signed by over 106,000 people – and it’s still going strong.

Since Ella began campaigning for change, she has become aware of just how many problems surround menstruation. These issues range from the taboo of talking about periods to the environmental impacts of plastic in our period care and period poverty.

Period poverty

Period poverty wrongly affects many people; according to Plan UK, 1 in 10 girls between the ages of 14 and 21 cannot afford menstrual products and a shocking 137,000 have missed school as a result.

Period poverty doesn’t just affect those at school, it also has an impact on those who are homeless, refugees and those who simply can’t afford menstrual products. It saddened Ella that in 2018 there are so many individuals out there who do not have access to these essentials, so she decided to take action.

After seeing reverse advent calendars last year in the aid of food banks, Ella felt compelled to create something similar for period poverty! That is why this year, rather than giving gifts to family and friends for Christmas, throughout December Ella will put an eco-friendly item into her Eco Period Box. The products will then be donated to a period poverty charity at the start of the New Year.

Eco Period Box

Ella would love as many people as possible to support Eco Period Action for Good this December by joining in and taking positive action, so that we can help those in need and make a difference.

You can join in by donating an item, setting up a box at work or at home, encouraging others to get involved and by sharing what you are doing on social media using the hashtag #ecoperiodbox.

Eco Period Box starts on 01 December and ends on 31 December. You can get eco-period products from local health food shops, supermarkets and, if your time is limited, then there are multiple online stores that you can buy from. You can get your order sent directly to your chosen charity by using their address in the delivery details.

You can donate to period poverty charities like the Red Box Project, Bloody Good Period, Freedom 4 Girls and local food banks such as the Trussell Trust.

Click here for more information from Ella’s blog post.

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