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The Health Broadcast

Vivobarefoot creates digital wellness programme to ‘keep people wild and healthy’
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Vivobarefoot Health Broadcast

Vivobarefoot is creating a programme of digital activities to help people stay physically and mentally well and embrace nature from within their homes, as we try to come to terms with staying indoors.

The Vivobarefoot Health Broadcast will feature fitness and wellness coaches, who will share regular tips, tricks and great natural life hacks to keep your feet, body and indoor lifestyle wild and healthy.

Expert tips

A range of experts will host classes for the series alongside Vivobarefoot’s internal team experts.

Dr Rangan Chatterjee, BBC Breakfast resident doctor, presenter of Doctor In The House and New York Times best-selling author, will reveal top tips for looking after yourself when self-isolating.

Ross Edgley, extreme athlete and author who swam around the whole of the United Kingdom, will provide at-home exercise tips.

Fanny Josefine, a fitness guru specialising in climbing, ninja training and street workouts, will host a class on how to workout with your partner.

Explorer, presenter and Guinness World Record holder Ed Stafford will cover mental health during self-isolation.

Richie Bostock will share breathing techniques to improve mental health.

Award-winning author, zero-waste chef and environmental activist Max La Manna will explain how to cook healthily with ‘food waste’.

Plenty of others will join the series to share tips and expertise; the minimalist shoe manufacturer is planning to upload at least 15 videos across its social media platforms over the coming weeks.

Longer bi-weekly videos will appear on Vivobarefoot’s YouTube channel, with bitesize tips posted on its other social media platforms in the hope of reaching as many homes as possible.

Free wellness content

Classes will be across five different pillars: reconnect, relearn, reboot, reset and rewild, and will focus on topics such as looking after yourselves whilst self-isolating, how to reconnect with nature whilst indoors, moving naturally and how to boost physical, gut and mental health to make today feel great.

The programme started over the weekend with Vivobarefoot movement coaches running through foot-focused exercises for the family. The content, released every few days, is available for media to host online free of charge with credit to Vivobarefoot.

To join the Vivobarefoot Health Broadcast follow @vivobarefoot on Instagram or head to its YouTube channel.

Vivobarefoot Health Broadcast

‘With much of the world working ‘remotely’ we wanted to encourage people to join our community through our new online VIVOBAREFOOT HEALTH BROADCAST. It is even more important that through these sedentary times we are encouraged to move within homes and reflect on how we care for our bodies and the planet. Get ready to nature bomb ‘indoors’ like never before!’

‘As well as our expert friends, we also have plenty of incredibly knowledgeable staff within our team and we’ll be looking to them for guidance too in this troublesome time. We’re covering a vast array of topics through this virtual programme and we really hope people will join us for these classes and help make everyday a little better.’

Vivobarefoot CEO

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