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The Queen’s Green Canopy

Cool Earth and UK government launch Plant a Tree for the Jubilee initiative
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
The Queen's Green Canopy

A unique UK tree-planting campaign has been launched to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

All across the United Kingdom, people will be encouraged to ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’ through The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative. 

All UK counties will be invited to create a network of individual or specimen trees, tree avenues, copses and woodlands in honour of Her Majesty’s 70 years of service to the nation.

The project will be led by Cool Earth in partnership with the UK government and the Woodland Trust.

‘Expanding tree cover is key to the recovery of the world’s natural environment, including here in Britain. Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee marks an excellent opportunity to harness Cool Earth’s expertise to help do that job.’

Environmentalist and Cool Earth Trustee

Celebrate with trees

Communities, charities, schools, scout groups, councils and landowners will plant trees across the four nations to create a lasting legacy in honour of The Queen’s leadership.

The campaign will encourage the planting of healthy native trees that will thrive, enhancing our environment and the landscape for generations to come.

Throughout her reign, The Queen has planted more than 1,500 trees all over the world and has spoken alongside Sir David Attenborough of the importance of trees in Earth’s future.

The Platinum Jubilee will offer an opportunity for people to unite in celebration of The Queen’s lifetime of service in support of the United Kingdom and the wider Commonwealth.

‘There is no more fitting way to celebrate Her Majesty’s Jubilee than through striving to increase and protect our native tree cover which, for centuries, has played such a central role in the life of the nation. This is both about caring for and expanding our natural heritage and safeguarding its future for our children in the face of a combined climate and nature crisis.’

CEO of The Woodland Trust

Green your community

The global Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of all British citizens and generated a much greater public awareness of the need for green space.

The Queen’s Green Canopy will encourage people to come together with the common purpose of ‘greening’ their local and national environments.

Everyone is encouraged to take part in creating this special gift to Her Majesty by planting and celebrating trees at home, and within their community, through their local government or county programmes.

‘This difficult year has reminded us all of the importance of the nature and green spaces that surround us. Trees have the potential to transform our communities, connect us with nature and provide homes for precious wildlife. They also have a huge role to play in tackling climate change as we build back greener from the pandemic. As we celebrate Her Majesty’s incredible 70 years of service, I encourage everyone to get behind this scheme, and go ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee.’

Prime Minister

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