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The WasteZone

University of Brighton joins ecobuild to showcase cutting-edge solutions to waste
The Waste House

The University of Brighton is hosting three days of talks, debates and exhibitions geared at finding solutions to the worldwide problem of waste.

The WasteZone project will take place as part of the Sustainability Showcase at ecobuild, the UK’s largest event for specifiers across the built environment (06-08 March 2018, ExCel London).

Innovations in design

Curated by Duncan Baker Brown, winner of our 2014 P.E.A. Award for Education, and Nick Gant of the University of Brighton’s School of Architecture and Design, the WasteZone will provide a platform to discuss some of the most innovative design solutions to the huge task of cleaning up our waste.

High-profile speakers taking to the stage include:

  • Duncan Baker Brown: creator of The Waste House 2014 (main image)
  • David Benjamin: recently highlighted by Rolling Stone Magazine as one of ‘25 inventors, entrepreneurs and disrupters who are changing the world’
  • Professor Walter Stahel: renowned pioneer of the circular economy concept

The plastics problem

Plastic and other toxic materials are now plaguing the Earth after hundreds of years of inventing, using and throwing away materials with no end-of-life strategy.

Following the recent strides made by the likes of David Attenborough, A Plastic Planet and Greenpeace in bringing widespread awareness to this fundamental issue, the University of Brighton’s ‘Responsible Futures’ agenda aims to improve environments and create knowledge and interventions that change political, legal and business cultures.

With a particular emphasis on the property and construction industry, The WasteZone at ecobuild will explore how we can move away from a ‘take, make, use and throw away’ culture, towards a more intelligent, circular system where materials are recycled and re-used.

Over 30 experts from the fields of architecture, design and resource management – as well as forward-thinking suppliers, up-cyclers and material bankers – will join the debate.

Click here to read our interview with Duncan Baker Brown on how young designers can drive the shift to a circular economy

The WasteZone at ecobuild 2018
The WasteZone at ecobuild 2018

A circular construction industry

Discussions at The WasteZone will be supported by an exhibition of products, materials and buildings as well as new digital platforms and films which are enabling an emergent circular economy. The exhibition area will itself be made of recycled materials.

‘I believe that within the next five years the construction industry is poised to turn its ‘take, make, use and throw away’ culture into a more resourceful, profitable and environmentally friendly circular system.

‘We need to see policy changes and have an open discussion about how we get there. I am pleased to welcome an impressive lineup of speakers to The WasteZone 2018, who will help identify how innovation in this particular industry can be designed to contribute to improved environments.’

Senior lecturer at the University of Brighton

Click here to register for your free ticket to ecobuild 2018.

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