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Weleda’s Global Garden campaign will send one winner on a carbon-neutral journey across the globe
Weleda's Global Garden campaign

Weleda, the world’s leading manufacturer of certified natural and organic cosmetics and herbal medicines, has launched a new Global Garden campaign that will see one lucky winner jetting off on a carbon-neutral journey around the world.

The initiative has been devised to highlight the international and sustainable nature of Weleda’s business; the pioneer of green beauty has gardens all around the globe, and one intrepid explorer will get the chance to experience them first hand!

A one-off opportunity

The competition is a first for Weleda and quite unlike anything the company has ever done before. The winner will have a one-off opportunity to travel the world next spring on a carbon-neutral journey, and to visit the different Weledas between March and June 2018.

Weleda will be looking for entrants from the 18 different countries in which Weleda operates: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK/Ireland and the USA.

Qualifying candidates from each country will then go through to the next stage of the competition, which will be open to a public vote. Each hopeful globetrotter will look to get as many votes as possible via a dedicated Global Garden online platform, in order to go through to the regional shortlist of six candidates for the 18 regions.

The finalists

The final regional selection will be made by the Weleda judging panel on 12 September 2017. One finalist from each country will then go forward to the international selection process in October 2017. Finalists must be free to travel out to Weleda Germany for this final phase of the competition.

In Germany, all 18 international finalists will experience Weleda’s extensive organic herb gardens, which are managed using strict biodynamic methods, and join in with the harvest.

Finalists will also visit Weleda’s production suite where the range is made, and meet Weleda’s beauty expert Lilith Schwertle. This final stage of the assessment will include a series of practical workshops (writing, photography, social media, film) to enable candidates to really distinguish themselves.

Weleda UK will be accepting applications from within the United Kingdom and Ireland between 08 August and 10 September 2017. Click here to find out more and to put yourself forward. Good luck!

The winner’s journey

At the end of this final audition, one Global Garden winner will be selected by Weleda’s panel of experts, and this successful ‘horticultourist’ will be invited to pack a suitcase and head off on an incredible journey touring 11 different Weledas!

Sydney, Australia; Havelock, New Zealand; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Zoetermeer, The Netherlands; Ilkeston, United Kingdom; Arlesheim, Switzerland; Huningue, France; Stockholm, Sweden; Prague, Czech Republic and Tuscany, Italy.

Travelling through 11 different countries will at times be challenging but also wonderfully exciting and rewarding – what a journey of discovery! The winner will learn about many plant ingredients used in Weleda cosmetics and medicines, will meet the growers, join each Weleda team internationally for a few days and come away with a global overview of Weleda that will be the envy of the company’s 2,400 employees.

Get your creative juices flowing

Photographers, vloggers, bloggers, illustrators and other artistic types are encouraged to enter because there is so much scope for creative development in this project. The Global Garden winner will be expected to compile imaginative and entertaining reports at each leg of the journey, which will be published on the Weleda Global Garden website.

The project is very much in the time-honoured tradition of the ‘Grand Tour’ that was popular centuries ago, when people would travel to different countries over an extended period of months, educating themselves along the way, keeping a journal or sketch book to document the journey and enriching their lives by soaking up the landscape, culture and sights at each stop.

Travel to each destination on this particular grand tour will be paid by Weleda, together with accommodation and subsistence at these stops, with some social events organised by Weleda. But any additional exploration or sightseeing along the way will be at the winner’s expense.

Opportunity of a lifetime

Contracted to work on the project over the three months, the winner will have some free time to take in a few nearby sights at each destination, and will be given a very welcome 10,000 euros spending money to be able to really enjoy the journey and take home a few mementos.

This is an opportunity of a lifetime for someone who is looking for a springboard for personal or professional development, to expand his or her horizons, appreciate our beautiful planet and head off on a magical adventure!

Click here to find out more about Weleda’s Global Garden campaign.

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