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A cleaner home

The tech that can reduce your carbon footprint while shrinking your energy bills
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
The Puredrive battery installed in a home

This article first appeared in our Earth Day 2023 issue of My Green Pod Magazine, published on 22 April 2023. Click here to subscribe to our digital edition and get each issue delivered straight to your inbox

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released at the end of February, warned that human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks.

‘This report is a dire warning about the consequences of inaction’, said Hoesung Lee, chair of the IPCC. ‘It shows that climate change is a grave and mounting threat to our wellbeing and a healthy planet. Our actions today will shape how people adapt and nature responds to increasing climate risks.’

Every small change will help to set us on the path to a safer future, and the report authors urge action from governments, businesses and citizens.

As awareness around humanity’s role in the climate crisis has grown, so too has our understanding around what we can do to mitigate our impact.

As a result it has never been easier to embark on the changes we need to implement – from reducing our dependence on fossil fuels to planting trees and helping to look after fragile habitats and ecosystems.

Positive actions in these areas will have the duel effect of slowing climate change while helping nature to adapt to changes that are already underway, helping to safeguard the planet for future generations.

Saving energy

Energy has become a pressing issue – in terms of both the type of energy we use and the amount we consume.

Most people would now agree that energy-saving solutions and tech must form the centrepiece of any imaginable sustainable future.

‘Businesses and individuals can reduce their carbon footprint, reduce energy consumption and reduce their costs’, explains Mark Millar, CEO of Puredrive Energy. ‘There are some positive signs that governments, businesses and individuals are taking action to move towards a greener and more sustainable future. Exploring how current developments in renewable energy are shaping the future of energy-saving solutions is important to understand.’

Puredrive Energy is a British company at the forefront of the green revolution, with a focus on cleaner energy solutions for the home.

The company manufactures home battery systems and electric vehicle (EV) chargers and connects them to its integrated app and ecosystem.

The goal is to protect ‘planet, property and pocket’ through integrated tech that brings down costs and makes cleaner lifestyles effortless.

Storing solar power

Batteries are no longer limited to the usual toys, laptops, remote controls and mobile phones – today they are being used in place of petrol and diesel to power EVs and even the electrics in the home.

Battery tech has quickly developed from the rechargeable lead-acid units developed in 1859 to much higher energy density solutions, such as lithium-based solutions. These are now being used in homes to capture excess energy generated from domestic solar panels.

Solar is one of the most abundant and renewable sources of energy available, but its intermittent nature has been a major obstacle to widespread use.

In addition to the challenge of generating energy at times when the sun isn’t shining, only around 30% of the energy that is generated by solar panels is used in the home they are installed on.

The rest – a significant majority – is exported to the grid where it can do nothing to help reduce the homeowner’s energy bill.

Home battery systems are becoming an increasingly popular way to solve the problem of wasted energy that has been generated by solar panels. The battery stores excess solar energy and uses it when the sun’s not shining, doubling bill savings.

Using cheaper energy

These battery systems are now also being used to store cheaper energy, for example in the early hours of the morning, so it is available in the home at peak times when energy is more expensive.

The battery can also be used to automatically operate variable rate tariffs, such as ‘Octopus Go’. My Green Pod Hero Octopus Energy offers cheaper energy between 00:30 and 04:30; the battery can be charged at these times when the cost is low and used when prices are high.

A happy side-effect is that by reducing peak demand, these home batteries are also helping to balance and support the grid.

Puredrive’s battery systems are at the forefront of this technology, with features that maximise savings while helping homeowners to reduce their dependence on the grid and unpredictable, fluctuating energy prices.

The company launched one of the UK’s first Virtual Power Plants (VPPs), using a digital control system to connect the battery storage systems inside multiple homes and businesses. Hundreds of different batteries can be connected this way, charging and discharging simultaneously to unlock greater revenue for their owners.

When the VPP is combined with the high-performing Puredrive battery storage system, an enviable combination of energy savings and revenue generation opportunities is achieved.

The battery’s algorithm even takes account of variables such as the weather and the homeowner’s usage to optimally charge the battery, saving the homeowner even more money.

When all savings are taken into account, a Puredrive home energy solution can slash up to 85% off the energy bill for an average-sized home.

An electric future

In addition to reducing the amount of energy we use, many are also seeking alternatives to polluting fossil fuels.

Air-source heat pumps are slowly beginning to replace traditional gas boilers as a way to heat the home and provide hot water without the associated carbon footprint.

Replacing a gas boiler with an air-source heat pump can reduce an average home’s daily energy consumption from 30kWh to 10kWh, which makes a huge difference to a home’s overall environmental impact.

Installing an electric vehicle (EV) charger can also make a significant contribution to a household’s impact; EVs can be charged from solar panels, which is just one of the reasons an electric car is a sounder option than a petrol- or diesel-powered alternative.

EVs are also more efficient; their batteries can store more energy than gas tanks, meaning that you can travel further on a ‘full tank’.

As battery technology continues to improve, EVs will only become more reliable and affordable.

Puredrive’s EV charger can be integrated with the company’s battery system, and the technology works seamlessly to target the greenest and lowest energy cost options.

An integrated app from Puredrive offers options such as Pure Green (charging purely from solar) and Smart Mode (only charging the EV when energy is cheap).

Thanks to the advances in technology like those offered by Puredrive, it has never been easier to reduce your energy use – and save a significant amount of money while helping to save the planet for future generations.

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