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A Moment of Change

New On Purpose podcast: Has Covid-19 changed our spending habits for the better?
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
A Moment of Change

Social isolation has given us reason to reflect and re-evaluate many things – not least our consumer habits and the impact our purchases have on the planet and on humanity.

This new On Purpose podcast welcomes three guests who are leading the charge on sustainable living.

They discuss the impact of Covid-19 on our spending habits (both good and bad) and, more crucially, whether these changes are expected to continue into the future.

Natasha Parker is Head of Compassion Not Consumerism at Global Action Plan, which works to help people connect what’s good for us and good for the planet. Her work focuses on challenging our prevailing value system of consumerism: a root cause of over-consumption and ecological destruction.

Jarvis Smith has been a changemaker, thought leader and ethical lifestyle media and marketplace pioneer for over 12 years. He and his wife Katie co-founded My Green Pod, a sustainable and ethical news, products and lifestyle hub that ‘lets you lean into clean’!

Sarah Divall is currently a creative partner at the environmental charity Hubbub. Driven by a motivation to bring an eclectic mix of people together to work towards a common goal, she was drawn to Hubbub’s inclusivity and its approach to communicating environmental issues. Sarah has been fronting the charity’s video channel since 2017 and has recently started What On Earth podcast to investigate the past, present and future of environmental issues.

Do you want to learn about emerging trends within different industries? Hear about the biggest catalysts for positive change? Be inspired by some of the most influential people in the impact sector?

Subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Acast or Google Play.

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