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A new wellbeing frontier

Dr William Bloom launches a revolutionary new approach to spirituality and health
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
A new wellbeing frontier

Dr William Bloom, author of The Power of Modern Spirituality and one of the UK’s most respected wellbeing educators, will be giving an experiential talk at St James’s Church in London’s Piccadilly on Monday 25 March, launching a radical new approach to spirituality and health.

The new approach, encapsulated in the 40-page Your Spiritual Health Programme, offers a simple, accessible way to enjoy spiritual health, free from the dogma and conflict associated with traditional religions.

Unaffiliated spirituality

Delivered by the Spiritual Companions Trust, the pioneering educational charity behind the UK’s first spirituality and health qualification on the Ofqual Register, the new user-friendly programme will show you how to boost your emotional wellbeing, improve your physical and mental health and connect with the good things in life. The programme also outlines the scientific evidence for the health benefits of spiritual practice.

‘Spiritual Health is feeling alive, calm and centred: connected to the good things in life. From a flower, through a child’s smile, to the awesome night sky, there is a magic and beauty to existence. Your Spiritual Health Programme shows you how to directly access this rich wellspring resource. Whatever your circumstances or state you can enjoy spiritual health. Feeling good, you’ll feel even better. Feeling ill, stressed, or exhausted, you’ll be able to ride the waves. The new programme is revolutionising spiritual health by making it freely available to enjoy by anyone, anytime, anywhere.’

Wellbeing educator

Dr Bloom, who recently gave a well-received introduction to Your Spiritual Health Programme in the first episode of the BBC One series My Faith & Me, explains: ‘This new movement, borne of 10 years’ intensive research by a group of wellbeing educators, offers an accessible form of spirituality unaffiliated with any particular faith or religious tradition.

‘Integrating the jewels from the world’s faith traditions, it is mature, responsible, has ethics at its heart, and represents a movement from fundamentalism to embracing diversity.’

Connecting to wonder and energy

At the launch event at St James’s Church, hosted by Alternatives, participants will be given a free copy of Your Spiritual Health Programme and guided to discover their best way to ‘connect to the wonder and energy of life’.

The numerous ways to connect in the modern world can include anything from yoga, dance, prayer and meditation to running, singing, playing golf and spending time with family and friends – whatever works best for the individual.

Dr Bloom will lead the group through a simple meditation exercise to help them deepen this connection on a daily basis. Demonstrating how you can sustain a nourishing connection to the good things in life, he’ll also introduce other key tenets of the programme, including how to generate peace of mind and develop care and compassion, and the science behind the health benefits.

The St James’s Church launch event will be the first of a series of Spiritual Health Taster events happening around the UK between Monday 25 March and World Health Day on Sunday 07 April. The Tasters will be facilitated by qualified Spiritual Companions (spiritual health coaches), fully trained and accredited by the Spiritual Companions Trust.

Click here for more information about Dr William Bloom’s talk at St James’s Church on 25 March.

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