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A renewable recovery

Decarbonising the energy system would support short-term recovery while creating resilient and inclusive economies and societies
A renewable recovery

Advancing the renewables-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth.

It would also create millions of jobs and improve human welfare by 2050, according to the first Global Renewables Outlook released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

A resilient future

While a pathway to deeper decarbonisation requires total energy investment up to $130 trillion, the Outlook reveals that the investment would bring massive socio-economic gains.

Transforming the energy system could boost cumulative global GDP gains above business-as-usual by $98 trillion between now and 2050.

It would nearly quadruple renewable energy jobs to 42 million, expand employment in energy efficiency to 21 million and add 15 million in system flexibility.

‘Governments are facing a difficult task of bringing the health emergency under control while introducing major stimulus and recovery measures. The crisis has exposed deeply embedded vulnerabilities of the current system.

‘IRENA’s Outlook shows the ways to build more sustainable, equitable and resilient economies by aligning short-term recovery efforts with the medium-and long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Agenda.
‘By accelerating renewables and making the energy transition an integral part of the wider recovery, governments can achieve multiple economic and social objectives in the pursuit of a resilient future that leaves nobody behind.’

IRENA’s director-general

Slashing emissions

The Global Renewables Outlook examines building blocks of an energy system along with the investment strategies and policy frameworks needed to manage the transition.

It explores ways to cut global CO2 emissions by at least 70% by 2050, and shares a new perspective on deeper decarbonisation that sets a path towards net-zero and zero emissions.

Building on five technology pillars, particularly green hydrogen and extended end-use electrification, could help replace fossil fuels and slash emissions in heavy industry and hard-to-decarbonise sectors.

Low-carbon investment would significantly pay off, the Outlook shows, with savings eight times more than costs when accounting for reduced health and environmental externalities.

The report reveals a climate-safe path would require cumulative energy investments of $110 trillion by 2050 – and that achieving full carbon neutrality would add another $20 trillion.

A global transition

The Outlook also looked at energy and socio-economic transition paths in 10 regions worldwide. Despite varied paths, all regions are expected to see higher shares of renewable energy use, with Southeast Asia, Latin America, the European Union and Sub-Saharan Africa poised to reach 70-80% shares in their total energy mixes by 2050.

Similarly, electrification of end uses like heat and transport would rise everywhere, exceeding 50% in East Asia, North America and much of Europe.

All regions would also significantly increase their welfare and witness net job gains in the energy sector despite losses in fossil fuels. While regional GDP growth would show considerable variation, most regions could expect gains.

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