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A very plant-based Christmas

One in five brits will be ditching meat entirely this Christmas Day
Christmas roasted parsnips and carrots with decoration, gifts, green tree branch on wooden rustic table

New research reveals a record number of Brits will be enjoying a completely plant-based Christmas lunch this year in an attempt to go green, with vegan and vegetarian options replacing a traditional roast dinner in as many as 5.1 million homes.

Of the 2,000 polled by tree-planting platform Treedom, one in three (29%) are ditching meat because it is better for the environment. A fifth (21%) said cutting down on meat this Christmas Day will make them feel less guilty.

Is turkey going out of fashion?

A quarter (28%) believe the traditional turkey lunch could soon go out of fashion as the nation adopts a more sustainable attitude.
A third (32% will be pouring on vegan gravy, while one in four (24%) will be enjoying Quorn, plant-based ‘turkey’ slices and rice dishes, instead of a traditional roast with all the trimmings.
A quarter (23%) are planning to have a classic nut roast or a pasta dish.

A greener Christmas

Four in 10 (43 percent) respondents said they’ll be hosting an all together more environmentally friendly Yule this year, with one in 10 planning to buy eco subscriptions to offset their carbon footprint next year.
A reusable Christmas tree (30%), wrapping up warm and turning the heating down (30%), reusing single-use plastics (27%) and not sending any Christmas cards (25%) are some of the ways in which Brits are addressing their environmental impact.
When it comes to gifting, 17% will only be buying secondhand gifts, a sixth (16%) won’t be buying any plastic gifts, 12% will be making their own gifts and 7% will plant trees instead of buying gifts. 
When asked why they are opting for a more environmentally friendly Christmas, a third (34%) said they are trying to be more mindful about their consumption, while one in three (33%) believe that it is a critical time for the planet and say they are worried for its future.

A third (29%) agree that more people will be thinking about their impact on the environment this Christmas.

‘Christmas is a key moment for us to remember the importance and impact our choices have on the planet and communities around the world, and it’s great to see that so many Brits want to do their bit for the environment during the festive period from reducing meat consumption to crafting their own presents.
‘Caring for our planet has risen in popularity among Brits of all ages – not just with the younger generations – with many opting for eco-friendly decorations and gifts this year. With the climate crisis worsening, it’s clear that people are looking to make changes to do what they can to combat this and make a difference for families all around the globe. 
‘However, it’s important to remember that these good habits aren’t just for Christmas and we should aim to incorporate them into our daily lives as we enter a new year. Small things like recycling more, buying second-hand items and signing up to eco subscriptions are simple and cost effective changes many of us can take into 2023.’

Head of development in UK & Ireland for Treedom

32% of Brits are thinking about the future lives of their children and grandchildren, while a quarter think the world’s animals deserve a safe place to live.

One in six (16%) are opting to have a more sustainable Christmas so they can occasionally treat themselves at other times in the year.

A sustainable new year

In a further bid to reduce their impact on the environment, a quarter (23%) of Brits say they will be going without certain items this festive season.

Lots of presents (34%), a new Christmas outfit (29%), a real Christmas tree (25%) and Christmas lights (23%) are the main festive ingredients being left behind.
Continuing this commitment, a quarter (26%) of Brits will be pledging to be more sustainable as part of their new year’s resolutions.

Four in 19 (44%) will aim to recycle more, while a third (33%) will buy more secondhand items and not consume single-use plastics (30%).

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