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Ending period plastic

Welsh government & local authorities tackle period poverty sustainably
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Ending period plastic

Bridgend, Cardiff and Monmouthshire councils have committed to spending all of their period poverty funding, which makes menstrual products freely available at schools, on eco-friendly products.

Environmental activist Ella Daish has been running a #EndPeriodPlastic campaign, calling on governments and local authorities in the UK to tackle period poverty, the plastic crisis and protect the environment simultaneously by spending funding on eco-friendly period products.

‘Period poverty should not be happening anywhere on Earth in 2020 and no one should miss out on their education or be discriminated against because of their natural cycle. Making period products freely available for those who need them is the right thing to do, but we need to consider the long-term environmental impacts this much-needed funding is spent on.

‘We know the impact of plastic on the environment and that eco-friendly products are better for people and the planet, which is why I have been calling on governments and local authorities to spend their funding sustainably.’

Environmental activist, #EndPeriodPlastic

Eco-friendly periods

Funding will be spent on a mixture of eco-friendly tampons and pads, and reusables like menstrual cups, cloth pads and period pants.

The move follows the same action taken by Caerphilly Council which, in September 2019, became the first local authority in the UK to take this step.

‘Monmouthshire County Council is constantly working towards becoming plastic free, so making sure that the products we distribute are as eco-friendly as possible has been really important to us.

‘It has been great to work with environmental activist Ella Daish to better understand the impact of period products on the environment, and the importance of spending our period dignity grant in the most eco-friendly and sustainable way we can.’

Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Neighbourhood Services in Monmouthshire Council

A global first in Wales

The Welsh government’s period dignity roundtable, headed by Jane Hutt MS, which Ella is part of, has led to Welsh Government stipulating that 50% of all period poverty funding in Wales must be spent on eco-friendly products.

This came into effect in April 2020 and is a global first for any government.

‘I am super-proud of these incredible decisions that have been made in Wales and to have played a part in making it happen. This landmark first to spend 50% of all funding in Wales on eco-friendly products is a massive step for a government to take, it is progressive and will have far-reaching positive impacts.

‘Welsh government and Bridgend, Cardiff and Monmouthshire councils have shown fantastic leadership by listening and bringing sustainability to the forefront in decision making and I am so proud to have played a part in it. This shows the changes that can be made, and we need more governments and local authorities to take note and follow in their footsteps.’

Environmental activist, #EndPeriodPlastic

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