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Get set for Global Donut Day

Doughnut Economics Action Lab has launched a day to celebrate local action and global connection through Doughnut Economics
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Donut Brasil

This article first appeared in our Organic September issue of My Green Pod Magazine, published 08 September 2023. Click here to subscribe to our digital edition and get each issue delivered straight to your inbox

Main image: Donut Brasil

On 13 November 2023, Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) will celebrate its first Global Donut Day, online and in-person around the world.

The day will be marked with local, community-led festivals centred around Doughnut Economics, which offers a vision of what it means for humanity to thrive in the 21st century. 

Uniting changemakers

A unifying day of local action and global connection, Global Donut Day will showcase keynote speakers such as Doughnut Economics author Kate Raworth, sessions with members of DEAL and opportunities for international connection. 

From Beijing to Mexico City and Vermont to Brazil, Global Donut Day will bring communities together around Doughnut Economics, to learn, make visible, connect, celebrate, imagine and inspire a future in which we all thrive within the doughnut’s social and planetary boundaries. 

‘Doughnut Economics is proving to be an idea that connects people – from communities to education, business, local government and more.

‘We’re excited to see how Global Donut Day can be a moment to celebrate this connection and provide an opportunity to learn from one another, both within our localities and from others around the world.’

Communities & Art Lead, DEAL

21st-century economics

Doughnut Economics proposes an economic mindset that’s fit for our times.

It’s not a set of policies and institutions, but rather a way of thinking to bring about the regenerative and distributive dynamics that this century calls for. 

Drawing on insights from diverse schools of economic thought – including ecological, feminist, institutional, behavioural and complexity economics – Doughnut Economics sets out seven ways to think like a 21st-century economist to transform economies, local to global. 

Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL), a Community Interest Company co-founded by Kate Raworth, was set up in 2019, with an online Community Platform launched in 2020.

It supports changemakers – in communities, cities and regions, education, business, government and more – who are turning the ideas of Doughnut Economics into transformative action to bring about change. 

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