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How will you reboot the future?

Reboot the Future and Jonathon Porritt announce campaign to mobilise schools for COP26 in Glasgow
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
How will you reboot the future

Reboot the Future, a UK-based NGO, has today (21 April) announced the launch of ‘How Will You Reboot the Future?’.

The multi-media project, targeted at UK 14- to 19-year-old students, has been launched to stimulate debate and action as we approach the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow later in the year.

Reboot joined forces with Forum for the Future to deliver this major new initiative.

Inspired by courage

‘How Will You Reboot the Future?’ is a project comprising a specially commissioned book, film and classroom resources inspired by the lifelong campaigning work of distinguished environmentalist Jonathon Porritt, in his capacity as founder director of Forum for the Future.

The materials span the individual and collective experiences of young people who reflect on the tumultuous years 2021-2025, as they map their way towards a sustainable future.

‘It’s impossible to overstate the importance of the next five years when it comes to addressing the climate emergency. But our current approach (including COP26 at the end of the year) is woefully inadequate. Rise Up provides a plausible scenario for getting both policymakers and the general public on track, inspired by the sheer courage and determination of young people. It’s here that our best hope lies.’

Environmental campaigner and author

The book and ‘Rise Up’ film

The book, Rise Up to Reboot the Future, is a young adult novella which tells the story of three young people looking back from 2026, reflecting on the political and personal events which transformed the politics of climate change over the next five years.

Based on the book, Rise Up is a suite of five films which tell the story of five young people as they describe the positive life choices they make in 2021, which make it possible for them to help shape a fairer, more sustainable world. Each film is designed to be watched individually or as part of whole.

Rise Up is a first-time film from director Sophie Austin and screenplay written by Beth Flintoff, based on the original book by Jonathon Porritt.

Produced by Becky Burchell, the films will be accompanied by a dedicated school resources pack, freely available to download here


Panel discussion today

The films and resources will be distributed to the Global Dimension network of 15,000 teachers, encouraging students across the UK to discuss and reflect on the potential opportunities that the world faces over the next five years. 

A film première and panel discussion event with Jonathon Porritt will also take place 17.00-18.15 this evening (21 April). Click here to book your free place at the event.

‘It has been my ambition with Reboot to bring together the environmental, educational and cultural sectors, and, where the three co-align, that we might see a real catalyst for change. Jonathon’s inspiration, with the films of Becky, Sophie and Beth, is the expression of that wish.’

Activist and Reboot co-founder

Get creative

The second phase of the campaign will launch in July, when young people will be invited to express their positive visions of the future through a creative call to action, asking How Will You Reboot the Future?

Young people, in the UK and globally, will respond in whatever way inspires them – whether that’s through a TikTok video, a painting, a song or an Instagram post.

Creative outputs will form a digital record used to influence decision-makers both pre and post COP26.

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