The Used Kitchen Company
The Used Kitchen Company (TUKC) has pioneered the concept of kitchen recycling.
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Reading, Berkshire has won first place in the top 10 ‘most kitchen recycling-friendly places in the UK’, produced by The Used Kitchen Company (TUKC).
The recycling champion analysed where the used and ex-display kitchens listed on its website have come from over the last two years, when kitchen recycling has boomed.
London comes just behind Reading, followed by Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent and Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.
TUKC, which founded the concept of kitchen recycling in 2005, has also analysed which regions are way ahead with their green thinking and which could focus more on why kitchen recycling is so important for the planet.
32% of recycled kitchens have come from the South East, where owners decided to earn a little cash back from their kitchen and allow it to have a loving second home.
Homeowners in Greater London created one-fifth of kitchen listings (20%), and 17% were from East Anglia.
Tonnes of kitchen waste are needlessly sent to landfill sites each year, when refurbishing owners send their kitchen to a skip without thinking about its value to another household.
‘Residents in places like Reading, Tunbridge Wells, Peterborough and London are doing the right thing for their household budget and the planet, by putting their unwanted kitchens up for sale and into the circular economy, so the life of their kitchen is extended.
‘We suspect pockets like this develop when one person puts their kitchen up for adoption and friends or family members see what a great idea it is and follow suit, when they too come to refurbish.‘It only takes a few people to change attitudes and actions, so even though some areas of the country may be less active at the moment, we hope to inspire those who are not yet recycling their kitchen to do so, as that action could influence other people’s.’
The Used Kitchen Company’s CEO
Most kitchen components can’t be recycled and need to be buried, contributing to landfill pressures.
The wood in a kitchen is not natural wood that can be used for other purposes and it often contains chemicals.
Metal nails and screws are often inside the scrapped kitchen waste bundle, meaning it is often too expensive to try to sort and filter out components for repurposing to take place.
By selling it on to another ownerTUKC has made recycling a kitchen quick and easy. With a huge increase in both home refurbishments and planetary concern during lockdown, used and ex-display kitchens of all types are flying out of the door to new owners.
If you fancy a designer kitchen priced 50-70% lower than its original RRP, TUKC is well worth browsing.
Many buyers gain the kitchen of their dreams, from a top kitchen manufacturer brand, at a price they never thought possible.
Sellers gain some extra cash to put towards their new kitchen, plus the feel-good factor of having done something sustainable.
Many kitchen sales also include appliances, making the bargain even greater and ensuring you have brilliant appliances in all the right spaces.
Kitchens made by top manufacturers such as Siemens, Clive Christian, Poggenpohl, Chalon, Schmidt, Schüller and Bulthaup are regularly available and put up for adoption by their owners, but so too are kitchens from manufacturers such as Howden’s and Wren.
‘Remember this is a two-way process. Buyers need to be available, to encourage sellers to do the right thing. Why not consider being one of those buyers? It doesn’t make sense for you to dismiss ‘used’ until you have at least checked the kitchens out.’
The Used Kitchen Company’s CEO
Whether you are in Aberdeen, Zennor or anywhere in between (alphabetically or geographically), it’s easy to become part of the virtual circle that is kitchen recycling – as either a seller or a buyer.
The Used Kitchen Company (TUKC) has pioneered the concept of kitchen recycling.
The Used Kitchen Company urges consumers to create a ‘Kitchen Passport’ to help the planet.
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This new subscription service lets you swap instead of shop, helping to divert unloved toys from landfill.
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