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Sleep in luxury

Organic cotton bedding is an investment that rewards everyone – now and for generations to come
Sleep in luxury with certified organic bedding

This article first appeared in our Consumer Revolution issue of My Green Pod Magazine, released on 19 Dec 2019. Click here to subscribe to our digital edition and get each issue delivered straight to your inbox

The organic sector is booming: today, there are more options than ever for people who want to detox their bodies and lifestyles while supporting farmers, workers and the environment.

The switch to organic food entails a focus on quality over quantity, and the same is true of organic textiles. The quality of cotton is determined by the length and integrity of the fibres, so when the harsh chemicals used to break down mainstream cotton fibres are absent, the quality of the fabric improves.

Certified organic cotton is made from long-staple unbroken fibres, and you can really feel the difference. LittleLeaf Organic bedding has a silky softness that retains its feel-good factor wash after wash. ‘When people feel it they are amazed by how soft and luxurious it feels’, reveals co-founder Philip Ingram. ‘It also lasts longer and is kinder on your skin.’

A healthy night’s sleep

16% of the whole world’s pesticides are concentrated on cotton, which the Soil Association calls ‘the world’s dirtiest crop’. As our skin can absorb these toxins – and we spend roughly a third of our lives in bed – organic cotton bedding is an easy and effective way to reduce chemical exposure and ease the symptoms of increasingly prevalent skin conditions.

The GOTS (Global Organic Textiles Standard) ensures the cocktail of chemicals found in mainstream cotton – and linked to infertility, respiratory and skin diseases and cancer – is absent from both the manufacturing process and the final product.

A gift that gives

The durability of sustainably made and certified organic cotton bedding makes it a long-term investment that ultimately reaps rewards for you, for the people who grow and sew the cotton and for the environment. It presents a classic opportunity for reuse, as you can hand the bedding down through generations, as our grandparents did.

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