Stop feeding climate change

Nadiya Hussain and WRAP launch Food Waste Action Week to help tackle the climate emergency
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Nadiya Hussein

Cook, TV presenter and author Nadiya Hussain has joined WRAP for the UK’s first national week of action to tackle household food waste and drive home the message that Wasting Food Feeds Climate Change.

Running from 01-07 March, Food Waste Action Week is being delivered through WRAPs well-known Love Food Hate Waste brand to mitigate the devastating impact food waste has on the planet.

Tips for reducing waste

UK households produce around 70% of the UK’s 9.5 million tonnes of food waste every year. To tackle this, Love Food Hate Waste and Nadiya will ask people to take part in the Food Waste Action Week Challenge to make sure no edible food ends up in the bin.

The cook, TV presenter and author will spearhead a week of activities offering tips and tricks to cut waste, simply.
In total, a staggering 6.6 million tonnes of food waste comes from our homes each year in the UK, at a cost of £14 billion.

Of that, 4.5 million tonnes is food that could have been eaten, which works out to around eight meals per household each week.

This ‘edible’ element of household food waste is responsible for 14 million tonnes of Co2e alone – as much greenhouse gas produced as flying from London to Perth more than 4.5 million times.

Globally, around a third of all food produced is lost or wasted, which contributes between 8 and 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions.

‘Being at home more this last year has given many of us – including myself – an opportunity to reassess our relationship with cooking. Most of us don’t realise it, but wasting food is a major contributor to climate change. And it isn’t just the leftovers on our plate to consider but the many resources that go into producing our food, like water and land.

‘If we each make small changes we’d dramatically reduce the amount of food that ends up in the bin, and really can make a difference. From avoiding buying or preparing too much to storing food correctly, Food Waste Action Week is about helping people make the most of their food, and through our actions – help protect our planet.’

Cook, TV presenter and author

Food waste and climate change

Public awareness of the impact of food waste has on climate change is less common than other environmental factors.

Recent WRAP research found that whilst 81% of people in the UK are concerned about climate change, less than a third (32%) see a clear link between it and food waste. This compares with over half who make the link with aviation and climate change.

In fact, global food waste produces more greenhouse gas emissions than all commercial flights.

According to 2020 WRAP research on the UK’s food habits during lockdown, being confined to our homes has resulted in an increase in behaviours such as batch cooking and meal planning, which help tackle food waste.

But the latest insights suggest that food waste levels are likely to rise again as we emerge from lockdown.

The aim of Food Waste Action Week is to empower people to make simple changes in how they manage their food to avoid it being wasted.

‘Climate change is happening now and is the greatest threat to our planet, and our future generations. We must act, fast. Wasting food has a huge contribution to global emissions but is often overlooked or ignored.

‘We are so used to wasting food that we’ve forgotten its value, and the cost that feeding our growing global population has on the natural world. Food Waste Action Week is about empowering everyone to act because like it or not, we in our homes are the most significant part of the problem. So, it’s down to us all to be part of the solution too, and this is one environmental issue that we can all tackle, and with minimum effort.’


The impact of simple changes

30% of global greenhouse gases come from producing our food, more than all commercial flights combined.

If food waste were a country, it would have the third-biggest carbon footprint after the USA and China.

If every UK household stopped wasting food for one day, it could do the same for greenhouse gas emissions as planting 640,000 trees per day (around 230 million per year).

Almost 280 tonnes of poultry goes to waste in the UK every day. If we stopped wasting poultry, we could do the same for climate change as planting nearly 6.6 million trees every year.

We throw away the equivalent of 3.1 million glasses of milk every day. If we used every drop, we could do the same for climate change as planting nearly 6 million trees per year.

Every day 4.4 million potatoes go to waste in UK homes. If we all stopped wasting these potatoes it could do the same for greenhouse gas emissions as planting 5.4 million trees per year.

20 million slices of bread are thrown away at home in the UK every day. If we stopped wasting bread, it could do the same for greenhouse gas emissions as planting 5.3 million trees per year.

70% of food waste (post-farm gate) in the UK comes from households. But the good news is everyone can make a difference.

Act on food waste

To take part in the Food Waste Action Week Challenge, people will be encouraged to share their top tips on Instagram using #FoodWasteActionChallenge and @lfhw_uk – from storing food to using up leftovers and making sure none of it ends up in the bin.

Food Waste Action Week has the support of all UK governments and partner organisations across the UK.

Partners include Aldi, Asda, Co-op, M&S, Waitrose & Partners, Hellmann’s, Cravendale, Nestlé UK & Ireland, Hisense and the NFWI. More than sixty other businesses and organisations will amplify the Love Food Hate Waste messages during the Week.

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