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Top 100 places in nature

Top 100 green spaces revealed as new research shows time spent in nature is helping us through lockdown
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Top 100 places in nature

Main image: Embsay Crag, North Yorkshire, #61

A new study of 2,000 Brits reveals connecting with nature is among the top three benefits to come out of lockdown (24%), after spending more time with family (31%) and having more free time (26%).

The research and list of beautiful and biodiverse green spaces was commissioned by natural cosmetics company Weleda, to celebrate its 100-year anniversary.

The study reveals the vital role of nature in keeping the nation’s spirits lifted throughout the Coronavirus pandemic.

Nature during lockdown

A third (34%) say going out for walks helps them cope with lockdown restrictions and 28% find the great outdoors relieves the stress of the pandemic.

Almost three-quarters (62%) notice a positive uplift in their mood on days they have spent time in nature.

Over half of Brits (58%) who worked from home spent more time outside during lockdown. Almost half (46%) now get out into nature at least four times a week. Once lockdown is lifted, two-thirds (66%) say they want to spend even more time outdoors.

The list, which can be found here, includes suggestions from the public, experts and Weleda’s nature-loving community.

It features urban and rural outdoor spaces, from Epping Forest in Essex to Mewslade Beach in Swansea, as well as Golden Cap in Dorset, the Orkney Islands, Ballycastle in Northern Ireland and many more.

Weleda is inviting the public to add to the list with suggestions of their favourite local lockdown walking spots, via the Weleda UK Instagram.

‘Our resent move to North Yorkshire has opened my eyes and heart to the Yorkshire Dales
 countryside, with its stunning sweeping hills, valleys and rock faces.

‘I have fallen in love very quickly with a local space of magic called Embsay Crag. A rugged landscape beautifully crafted as Nature intended, with a purpose that defines how we use the Earth’s rainwater captured in the reservoir chalice at the top.

‘When I need solace, or to reconnect with something bigger than myself, this wonder is on my doorstep and seems to listen to my questioning of life every time I walk the pilgrimage to the top.’


Co-founder, My Green Pod & P.E.A. Awards

Working with nature

Weleda has been committed to working in harmony with nature since its first seeds were sown in 1921, and its purpose remains to help people to connect with nature.

Weleda created #100PlacesInNature in its 100th year to inspire more of us to explore the great outdoors and discover new local areas of natural beauty during lockdown and beyond, to increase our connection with nature.

‘Despite the hardships of the pandemic, we have seen a positive shift in attitudes towards nature and the environment. The restrictions have helped us slow down and reconnect with the outside world. Weleda’s purpose, established 100 years ago, has never been more relevant than in today’s world – our products are made entirely from sustainable ingredients sourced responsibly to support both people and planet. We hope that our Top 100 list inspires more people to get into nature, because the positive impact on our minds and bodies is undeniable. Everything we are has its complement in nature, because we are nature.’

Managing director, Weleda UK & Ireland

Weleda’s digital Open Garden

Over a third (37%) of Brits have become more interested in environmental issues both on a local and global level since the pandemic, rising to half (50%) of those aged 18-34.

Over half (53%) say they connected with nature in new ways, such as noticing the seasons changing (21%) and spotting wildlife (18%) and plants (17%) they hadn’t noticed before.

Some even took the opportunity to bring nature into their homes, growing their own herbs and vegetables (14%) or building nature boxes in their garden (6%).

For people craving more than their daily exercise in nature, or those unable to get outside, Weleda’s new digital Open Garden means you can take a virtual stroll and experience unlimited nature, without leaving your home.

The app offers 360° views of Weleda Gardens from around the world. Hear from experts on topics ranging from biodiversity, climate, soil and sourcing. Surround yourself with bird song from Brazil or journey through fields of lavender in Moldova. Click here for more.

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