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Jobs, not bailouts

Greenpeace projects anti-aviation bailout message onto the Houses of Parliament
Jarvis Smith - My Green Pod
Jobs not bailouts

Images: © Chris J Ratcliffe / Greenpeace

Last night (05 May) at 22.00, a small team of Greenpeace activists projected the message ‘GREEN JOBS NOT BILLIONAIRE BAILOUTS’ onto the Houses of Parliament.

An announcement of the government’s plans for financially supporting airlines is expected at the end of this week.

Today in Westminster MPs in the Transport Select Committee will be hearing evidence on the impact of Coronavirus on the UK’s aviation industry.

‘The government’s plans to prop up the aviation industry must not worsen the climate emergency or hamper efforts to rebuild a more resilient economy.

‘Bailouts for big polluters like Branson must only come with strict conditions that protect workers while actually reducing the number of flights and airlines’ carbon emissions – anything less and the public is subsidising pollution.

‘Public money must be spent on public goods. Workers, both frontline and furloughed, need continuing government support, and the economy will need the kind of green stimulus that economists around the world are pushing for – we can’t afford no-strings bailouts for billionaires as well.’

Climate campaigner for Greenpeace UK

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