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Organic Beauty & Wellbeing

Make ‘One Small Swap’ for people and the climate this Organic Beauty & Wellbeing Week
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Woman shopping at an organic market

Soil Association Certification’s annual Organic Beauty & Wellbeing Week campaign will take place 11-17 September 2023, during the wider Organic September campaign.

For the first time, Soil Association Certification has partnered with Whole Foods Market UK to launch a Clean Beauty and Toiletry Swap from 20 September to 03 October.

People are being urged to act on climate change by making ‘One Small Swap’ to a cCertified organic beauty or wWellbeing product, to help mitigate the effects of the climate crisis and protect nature.

‘We can help transition to a system that is better for us and nature even through the beauty or wellbeing products we choose to buy. That is why we are asking citizens to make ‘One Small Swap’ to an organic product certified by Soil Association Certification this Organic Beauty & Wellbeing Week.

‘As well as not contributing to nitrate pollution, organic farming also keeps more carbon pollution out of our atmosphere – it has been shown that soils on organic farms hold two times more carbon than non-organic.
‘When we talk about net zero or fighting the climate crisis therefore, organic holds a valuable solution.’

Business development manager for non-food at Soil Association Certification

Synthetic nitrogen fertiliser

This year’s Organic September campaign highlights the problem with fossil-fuel based nitrogen fertiliser and calls on the government to urgently introduce reduction targets.

These fertilisers used in non-organic agriculture contribute to 25% of the nitrogen air pollution in London as well as polluting rivers, degrading soil and contributing to climate change.

‘This year’s Organic Beauty and Wellbeing Week campaign will really drive home why certified organic is a solution to the climate crisis.

‘Organic farming does not allow the use of fossil-fuel based nitrogen fertilisers. These fertilisers pollute the ground and our waterways. The scientific consensus is that the huge increase in “dead zones” in our oceans over the last 30 years is due to run-off from nitrates used in non-organic farming.’

Business development manager for non-food at Soil Association Certification

When is ‘organic’ not organic?

It is not enough to opt for a beauty or wellbeing product that says it is ‘organic’ but does not have certification.

Unlike in the food and drink industry, products in the beauty industry can be labelled ‘organic’ even if they have just 1% organic ingredients.

Looking for the Soil Association COSMOS Organic logo guarantees a product will have a minimum of 95% organic ingredients from agricultural origin.
‘Our symbol also guarantees protection for the environment in other ways’, says Soil Association Certification’s Paige Tracey. ‘For example, no synthetic microplastics, nanoplastics or other polymers are allowed in our products, meaning our symbol is a safeguard against insidious microplastic pollution.’

How to get involved

For the first time, Soil Association Certification will partner with Whole Foods Market UK on a Beauty and Toiletries Swap.

From 20 September to 03 October, you can bring your non-certified beauty or wellbeing product into any Whole Foods Market store across London and receive a voucher for money off the purchase of a product in-store, many of which are certified by Soil Association Certification.

Empty, partially used and unopened products are all eligible, making that ‘one small swap’ even easier.

While empty containers will be recycled, unopened or partially used products will be donated to Toiletries Amnesty, a charity that connects unwanted products with those experiencing hygiene poverty.

‘We are delighted to be partnering with Whole Foods Market and Soil Association Certification to raise awareness of how people can responsibly dispose of their unwanted beauty products.

‘Rather than these items ending up in landfill, they can instead make a real difference to those in need. All items collected will be distributed to our network of charities who support people living in hygiene poverty, fleeing war, in a women’s refuge, recovering from illness or in end-of-life care.’

Project manager at Toiletries Amnesty

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