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Hope in Action

Unity-Spirit-Purpose event will explore how spiritual practice can help us to address existential crises

We face global issues: our capacity to deal with them depends not only on our outer, but also our inner resilience on both personal and collective levels.

In searching for such inner calm and strength, people are turning to mindfulness, yoga and other sacred spiritual practices.

Unity-Spirit-Purpose (USP) is a new event inspired by TED Talks but including ‘those missing parts’ of Unity, Spirit and Purpose.

The goal is for many regular and international events to be hosted under the USP banner, catalysing a wave of spirit and spiritual conversations that circle out to impart more meaning and knowledge of the sacred.

Building a field of unity

The inaugural USP event – Hope in Action – will take place at Rudolf Steiner House in London on 27 September, 19.00-21.30, with after-event drinks until 22.30 (tickets £12). It will offer empowering insights for actions people can take in order to live from a deeper, more connected and trusting place in their everyday lives.

From their own experiences, the speakers will share how their own spiritual practices support them in the way they choose to live and contribute in the world today.

They will also share how with love, trust, honour and integrity, we can all link up and lift up, to move beyond fear into a more enlightened and fulfilled way of life.

Hope in Action speakers

Making Our Work in the World 10x More Effective

Dr Scilla Elworthy has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times. Since founding the Oxford Research Group in 1982, she has worked tirelessly to develop effective dialogue between nuclear weapons policymakers worldwide and their critics.

In 2002 Scilla founded Peace Direct to fund, promote and learn from local peace-builders in conflict areas.

Awarded the Niwano Peace Prize in 2003, Scilla was adviser to Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Sir Richard Branson in setting up ‘The Elders’. Her TED talk on non violence has been viewed by over 1,400,000 people on TED and YouTube.

Living the Power of Unity

Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist and author. Previously one of the most senior business women in the UK, she has a Master’s degree in Physics from Oxford University, specialising in quantum physics and cosmology, and a Doctorate in Archaeology from the University of Reading researching ancient cosmologies.

She has travelled to nearly 80 countries, worked with wisdom keepers from many traditions and is a life-long researcher into the scientific and experiential understanding of the nature of reality.

Jude is the author of six books, including The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation, and a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle.

Kneeling to the Rose – walking home without a map

Mac Macartney is an international speaker, writer and change-maker and contributes to and has established many diverse organisations and communities, including Embercombe, a valley on the edge of Dartmoor National Park in the UK which seeks to explore and promote the profound regeneration of land, society and people.

Over a period of 20 years, Mac was mentored by a group of indigenous elders. During this training and ever since, he has attempted to bring two worlds together – an ancient world-view that emphasises relationship, interdependence and reverence for life with the significant challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

In 2013 Mac was presented with the Enlightened Society Award by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

Mac is a member of Danone North America’s Advisory Committee and is a passionate advocate of the B Corp movement within business. In the past he also sat on the sustainability advisory panels for Lafarge, Lend Lease and Procter & Gamble.

Mac is the author of two books, Finding Earth, Finding Soul, the invisible path to authentic leadership and The Children’s Fire, heart song of a people.

Entering the Age of Restoration

Andreas Kornevall is a writer, storyteller and ecological activist. He grew up in Chile, Sweden and Switzerland, and now directs the Earth Restoration Service charity.

In response to the sixth mass extinction, Andreas was the catalyst behind the Life Cairn movement: memorials for species rendered extinct at human hands.

As a storyteller, he works with old myths and fairytales which shine a light on life’s journey; his stories tend to gravitate around the Norse material which have led him to lecture in universities and other educational centres.

Andreas is also a prize-winning author, whose work has been published in magazines such as Resurgence, The Ecologist, Permaculture magazine and in the Dark Mountain series.

Click here to book your ticket to USP – Hope in Action.

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