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Stronger together

Collaboration can be a lifeline for successful ethical business
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Stronger together

This article first appeared in our Ethical Shopping issue of My Green Pod Magazine, distributed with The Guardian on 30 October 2020. Click here to subscribe to our digital edition and get each issue delivered straight to your inbox

‘Together we are stronger’ has been a theme across all Equinox Kombucha’s operations in 2020.

In addition to supporting customers and the local community during a period of unprecedented upheaval, the team has joined the B Corp family of ethical businesses and finalised a River Cottage collaboration that underlines the company’s focus on natural health and escaping to nature.

Responding to change

As the global impact of Covid-19 unfolded at the beginning of the year, Equinox initiated contingency plans and started working on its procedures. When the nation went into lockdown, it distributed free kombucha to food banks and local communities.

As a producer and distributor of health drinks, the team at Equinox felt a duty to continue making and delivering kombucha. The already sky-high levels of hygiene were increased and the brewery remained open. By continuing to brew, bottle and deliver, Equinox kept that little bit of ‘normal’ that was so important to its employees and customers.

The road to B Corp

When the pressure of the pandemic hit, Equinox was in good shape; the team had spent the previous 12 months adapting into a more rounded, resilient and sustainable business as it worked towards achieving B Corp certification.

When all hands were on deck to keep the brewery open and the team was working round the clock to sustain healthy, safe business practices, it seemed almost indulgent to continue the push towards B Corp. In reality it was anything but; striving towards more sustainable and responsible practices and operations forced the team to polish the very attributes that would help Equinox to get through these challenging times.

The hard work has paid off, and Equinox Kombucha is now officially part of the B Corp community.

River Cottage kombucha

Continuing 2020’s hallmark of partnership and collaboration, Equinox Kombucha has crafted a new River Cottage range of kombucha with multi award-winning writer, broadcaster and campaigner Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.

The four new flavours – Garden, Hedge, Meadow and Orchard – offer incredible health benefits while presenting an opportunity to escape to the very River Cottage landscapes the organic ingredients were grown in.

With 39% of us eating healthier foods in 2020, the organic ingredients and health-boosting credentials of the new River Cottage range have arrived at just the right time.

As a business, Equinox looks completely different from the way it did just 12 months ago. While Covid-19 has certainly put the team to the test, it will continue to evolve in response to its challenges as a stronger, more resilient business.

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