If built, the Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline would stretch 3,500km from Azerbaijan to Italy – and have devastating consequences for people and the environment.
A new documentary, Walking the Line, invites the public to walk along the huge gas pipeline and meet the people impacted by it.
Click here to view the interactive story.
Through vivid pictures, infographics and videos, the documentary takes us on a journey from Caucasus to London. It tells the stories of the Azerbaijani prisoners of conscience Khadija Ismayilova and Intigam Aliyev, plus those of the artists and citizens of the community of Melendugno in southern Italy, who are protesting against the pipeline’s construction.
The release of Walking the Line comes as the European Investment Bank plans a €2 billion loan to the Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline, the largest ever loan in its 57-year history.
The documentary shows the EU turning a blind eye to its climate commitments and Azerbaijan’s appalling human rights record as it partners with the corrupt regime of Ilham Aliyev.
It sheds light on the many links between the Aliyev family and the British oil company BP, and exposes the interests of big energy corporations lobbying the EU in favour of gas – despite evidence of declining demand.
But Walking the Line also shows that an alternative is possible. The last stop of the journey is a deprived London suburb, where citizens are setting up their own renewable energy projects. Instead of fuelling poverty and securing huge profits for big companies, such initiatives encourage sustainable solutions and empower those involved.
The EU is giving huge financial and political support to the Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline – locking in fossil fuel usage for many decades to come, supporting a corrupt regime and threatening livelihoods.
The documentary’s message is that it’s not too late to choose a different future.
Click here to watch the interactive story.
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