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Brexit: the impact on vegans

Post-Brexit human rights legislation must include protections for vegans
Post-Brexit human rights legislation must include protections for vegans

The Vegan Society and International Vegan Rights Alliance (IVRA) have had evidence published in the form of a statement to the Joint Committee on Human Rights, which is holding an inquiry into the Brexit implications for human rights.

The joint statement includes a series of specific recommendations for the government to consider in any new human rights legislation post-Brexit.

Current protections

Vegans are currently protected under Article 9 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 9 refers to the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.

This entails that veganism can be broadly considered under European human rights legislation, with Article 14 stating that all of the rights and freedoms set out in the Act must be protected and applied without discrimination.

This means that vegans must not be discriminated against on grounds of their veganism. Brexit means that the government can choose to opt out of the European Convention on Human Rights, and they have already set in motion the repeal of the UK Human Rights Act.

Human rights infringements

The Vegan Society regularly receives calls from vegans who believe that their rights are being infringed upon. These include people whose children are not provided a vegan option with their free school meal, something that can have a negative effect on a child’s development.

Suitable vegan meal provision can also be a problem in care homes and hospitals, leading to malnourishment and problems with recovery.

Other examples include workplaces not providing alternatives to leather or wool in uniforms, or letting workplace bullying go unchallenged, with the knock-on effects being increased stress in the workplace, increased sickness and reduced productivity.

If you are facing discrimination or marginalisation because of your veganism then you can contact the Vegan Society’s advocacy officer by calling 0121 523 1737 or emailing

If you want to support vegan rights post-Brexit, click here and sign the petition.

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