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Spirited Business & Leadership

Jarvis Smith shares details of the event designed to transform your business (and your life)
Jarvis Smith - My Green Pod
Broughton Hall

This article first appeared in our World Environment Day issue of My Green Pod Magazine, published on 02 June 2022. Click here to subscribe to our digital edition and get each issue delivered straight to your inbox

When I first started in business, it was very clear to me that business owners in the green sector were really trying to do business from the heart – business with purpose and the kind of positive impact we all recognise today is crucial if we are to reach our climate targets and peak global emissions within the next two years.

Yet many of those individuals – who have since become close personal friends, CEOs of huge sustainable organisations and leaders of disruptive, product-led businesses – still had something missing in their lives.

Our life support system

‘Spirited’ business and leadership is another way of being a leader in business; it includes awareness and consciousness of the Earth, Gaia, Mother Nature, the wisdom of our ancestors and the spirit alive within us and all things.

We are all indigenous to planet Earth – it’s one of very few things we have in common. We are all part of a system that creates life. Everything we eat, breathe, use, wear, work from, communicate on and travel in comes from nature. Everything.

Yet most of us have completely lost our sense of connection with the very thing that supports life and enables our businesses to make profits.

Rethinking economics

If we did stop to think about the source of the materials that sustain us and make our businesses profitable, we might operate in a completely different way – a way that unfortunately doesn’t drive our current system of economics.  

We need to put the ‘eco’ back in economics and change our personal and business habits – with immediate effect.

‘This programme opened my heart as I saw the possibility of furthering the growth of spirit in my business.’

Former CEO at M&S

Time for transformation

The Spirited Business & Leadership course takes place at Broughton Sanctuary – a 1,000-year-old traditional English Estate that has been transformed into ‘an island of spiritual refuge’.

The 3,000-acre Estate and Hall, in the foothills of the Yorkshire Dales, is based on transformational work concerning the mind, body and spirit, against a backdrop of sustainability and nature recovery.

World-class facilities include a woodland sauna, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a fire temple, moon baths, a sweat lodge and lots more.

Spirited Business & Leadership course details

  • 28 November to 02 December 2022
  • Broughton Sanctuary near Skipton, North Yorkshire
  • Run by Jarvis Smith and Pip Bray
  • Use of pool, sauna, steam and hydrotherapy is included – massage therapies and treatments will be extra
  • Prices for full accommodation, plant-based food and drinks go from £800 (shared accommodation) to £1,700 (en suite in Broughton Hall)

Reconnecting with nature

Spirited Business & Leadership is a four-day event that invites business leaders and entrepreneurs to be part of a growing community willing to go beyond the knowing to reconnect with the spirit and wisdom of nature.

The goal is to bring spirit and wonder back into our lives, and explore what it means to put the spirit back into our business and into our leadership.

By working in co-creation with the consciousness of nature and the planet, participants are able to evolve their businesses to a vibration that supports a harmonious relationship with everything there is, so their products and business can be in authentic service to the whole.

If you are interested in attending Spirited Business & Leadership, please contact Jarvis at with a brief message telling us who you are, why you feel it’s important to join this community and what you would like to get from the experience.

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