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Cora Ball

The Cora Ball is the world’s first microfibre-catching laundry ball. For ease of use & price, the Cora Ball is one of a kind

  • The world’s first microfibre-catching laundry ball.
  • The Cora Ball is inspired by the way coral filters the ocean.
  • Collects microfibres so we can dispose of microfibres in the right way.
  • The Cora Ball protects the ocean, its creatures and our human food web.
  • A simple, human-scale solution that has a big impact, wash after wash.

The Cora Ball enables anyone who wears and washes clothes to make a difference by helping stop microfibre pollution. The Cora Ball also reminds people that our drains are connected to the natural world, which inspires other behaviours that help everyone live in a way that protects, rather than destroys, our planet.

A recent independent, peer-reviewed paper by the University of Toronto published in Marine Pollution Bulletin determined that the Cora Ball catches 26% of fibres that would otherwise be washed down the drain (based on a fleece blanket). The paper also pointed out something important: that lots of people making just one small effort can have big positive impact – in this case, to on our lakes, rivers, bays and one big ocean.

The Cora Ball is specified to last five years with average washing. It is designed as a long-lasting and durable product and made from 100% diverted and 100% recyclable material that stands up to the extremes of heat and cold in laundry machines.

The Cora Ball is a product that makes both an immediate impact and seeks to increase people’s awareness of our connection to the ocean via the drains in our own homes.

It is made with sustainability and the circular economy in mind – right down to the plastic-free packaging and colours that are dependent on available material (now being made in two blues of the ocean).

We hope you will use the Cora Ball long into the future, but if you are done with your Cora Ball, please contact Rainbow Brands.

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