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World Unity Week

Experience the adventure of a lifetime in this eight-day journey into unity
World Unity Week

This is your invitation to embark on a personal and collective quest into the heart of one of the largest global unity events of our times.

World Unity Week is an eight-day celebration of our global unity. Many people, partners and organisations have linked up to lift up 20-27 June, offering sessions, workshops, open space and ceremony.

An invitation to co-create

As you journey through and interact with this eight-day online and on-life landscape – joining heads, hearts and hands with beings from all over the world – you will start to experience unity and the evolutionary impulse of our planet on deeper levels than ever before.

Using this experience as an internal springboard, you are invited to co-create harmony, balance and hope for our planet and all who inhabit it.

This is a journey of potential and peace in action that will lead you beyond June and into more adventures as this pivotal year of 2020 progresses.

Choosing our journey of unity

This is the quest of our lifetime. An adventure that we came into this life ready to embark on.

All your life you have been choosing the worldview that you individually inhabit and live from. These are the times when the journey of unity starts to well up through everyone and every situation.

The challenges of our times are conspiring to help us personally and collectively embark on our collective journey and choose unifying perspectives and actions in everything we are and do.

Connecting to the impulse of evolution

Once we allow the journey of unity to inhabit us fully, we start to notice how we expand and grow with each experience.

We begin to understand the true nature of evolution in our universe in new ways and embody the unifying impulse of life through our diversity.

Co-creating a whole new world

This embodiment process is a dance. One that is joyful and full of mystery.

Co-creation becomes our quest and no one of us knows all the answers. These emerge as we join our heads, hearts and hands together, playing with potential and stepping into our unique evolutionary purpose.

Together we co-create a ‘whole’ new world.
This journey into unity is designed to be either an eight-day flow or standalone sessions. All sessions are held on zoom; some recordings will be available afterwards on UbiVerse.

Celebrating global unity

World Unity Week celebrates of our global unity, beginning with the mid-year solstice and winding towards the celebrations of the UN’s 75th anniversary.

Key events include the UN International Day of Yoga, the launch of Purpose Earth and five days of ‘open space’ offerings.

Key conversations during World Unity Week will spotlight topics such as: collective climate action, partnerships for peace, global governance, interfaith harmony, sustainable and regenerative development, the role of business and economics, human rights, disarmament and other key elements of a new kind of future that we want to create.

World Unity Week is a stop along the road and a ‘birthing space’ for a larger scale global celebration across Peace Weekend 2020 (19-21 September), centred on the annual UN International Day of Peace (21 September).

Click here to view the full schedule and to get involved in World Unity Week events.

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