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Rosewood Farm All Week Dexter Beef Box

100% grass-fed from the species-rich meadows & pastures - no grain or soy

Rosewood Farm Grazing
  • Rosewood Farm beef is a by-product of organically managed conservation grazing in the Yorkshire Ings.
  • A range of cuts representative of the whole animal.
  • Fully traceable using Rosewood Farm’s online ‘beef traceability’ feature.
  • Free nationwide delivery to your door, direct from the farm.

Rosewood Dexter beef is produced from cattle grazed on one of the last remaining ancient species-rich floodplain meadow landscapes in the UK. The Yorkshire ‘Ings’ (Old Norse for water meadows and marshes) are an internationally recognised wetland landscape, created by farming and preserved for their spectacular wildlife.

The annual flooding of the Ings meadows creates a vast expanse of fresh water that attracts thousands of wintering wildfowl. In spring the floods give way to numerous species of breeding wading birds, including the only remaining breeding site of the Corncrake (Crex crex) in England.

Myriad rare wildflowers and grasses are mown for hay in the summer to provide winter feeding for Rosewood Farm’s cattle, with the regrowth grazed in the autumn to improve feeding opportunities for the post-breeding flocks of lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) and curlew (Numenius arquata).

At Rosewood the cattle are naturally bred to thrive on these semi-natural grasslands with no artificial feeding or chemicals. Medicinal herbs and wildflowers help to maintain their and our health, developing a depth of flavour like no other.

The All Week Dexter Beef Box is the ideal introduction to a selection of cuts in the proportions they come from the whole animal. These include:

  • 1 traditional hindquarter roasting joint
  • 1 forequarter slow cooked joint
  • 2 or more steaks
  • 3 packs of mince
  • 1 pack of diced stewing beef

Extra items may also be added to the basic box, with free delivery to your door.

In 2018 Rosewood Farm won the P.E.A. Nature Award & Federation of Small Businesses Ethical & Green Business of the Year.

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